Lead Magnet Funnel Explained in 5 Minutes or Less

Lead Magnet Funnel Explained

Interested in Sales Funnels?

Great! Well, you’re on the right resource.

I’m going to explain a lead magnet funnel.

Which is one of the basic sales funnels that you can build and grow your business.

Alright,  let’s dive in and see what is a lead magnet funnel?

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is an irresistible offer in exchange for a prospect email address.

A lead magnet is most likely a digital or downloadable product or service.

A few examples of lead magnets are a FREE PDF checklist, report, eBook, White Paper.

Other lead magnet example would be FREE Training, FREE 14-Day Trial, and or FREE 30-Day Trial.

Lead Magnet Funnel Map

A lead magnet funnel starts with the lead opt-in page (see image below).

Once a prospect enter’s their email address in exchange for a free “something.”

We can automatically send the FREE offer in the thank you page.

Or send them an email with a link to the FREE offer.

In our example below, we just send the prospect a thank you page.

Lead Magnet Funnel Sales Funnel

Lead Magnet Funnel Next Steps

We don’t make money with the first initial contact with a prospect.

We make sales with the follow-up.

Do you know why we hardly miss a dentist appointment?

YES, the follow-up…

A dentist rep would follow-up with me 5-6 times reminding me of my appointment.

We’re going to use the same example as our Lead Magnet Funnel.

So, we sent a thank you page.

Next, we’re going to send them an email autoresponder sequence called,  “LM Delivery.”

Now, the LMDelivery is an email campaign with a specific number of emails and a goal.

That goal is to sale an affiliate offer that is congruent with your FREE offer.

Lead Magnet Funnel Email AutoResponder

In the above example, the email will consist of five emails.

The first email will be a link to download your free offer which directs you to a download page.

The second email will be in indoctrination email video series pre-selling your offer.

Like, the second email.

The third email will send another pre-selling sales video.

The fourth email will send the last video with an option to purchase.

And the last email in a sales letter selling the affiliate offer.

The beauty of this Lead Magnet Funnel is that you can optimize each section of the funnel.

And make it run on auto-pilot know you can get a specific amount leads per month.

Lastly, you build out this sale funnel in many software tools, such as ClickFunnels, LeadPages, Instapages, Builderall and more…

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, feel free to reach out to me at brian[@]funnel101x[.]com.

To Your Sales Funnel Success,


-Brian Jobs

P.S. Want to learn What is a sales funnel? Click HERE.

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